SHR Hair Removal
What Exactly Is SHR?
SHR hair removal is not only painless, but it is the safest option currently available on today’s market. Using the most up-to-date technology, this method proves timely and efficient when carried out by a trained professional.
How Does It Work?
In essence, SHR treatment is designed to cause long-lasting damage to target hair follicles. This in turn prevents the re-growth of the hair. By gently heating over the required area, the applicator used varies in temperature to ensure maximum effect. Released are short and gentle energy pulses that directly target the hair follicle whilst dissuading return.
How Long Will The Actual Treatment Take?
The treatment itself can take as little as 10 minutes. If the area is relatively small and this will be reflected in the allocated time. A single facial treatment will take on average fifteen minutes with both legs fitting into just 30 minutes - perfect for your lunch break!
How Many Treatments Will I Need To Achieve The Required Results?
For permanent hair removal to be successful you will need around 6 sessions or more certain areas. This will be discussed with you upon initial inquiry as we like to ensure our clients are fully informed of all aspects when it comes to the treatments we offer. During a session the energy is actually applied over a large area. It is not specific to the home of the hair follicle. This works towards improving not only treatment times but results as well.
Is SHR Permanent Hair Removal Suitable For Everyone?
SHR is one of the only treatments available offering suitability for all skin types. Remember, this method involves heating and cooling as opposed to follicle exposure via high intensity pulses. This option works extremely well for fair-haired people whilst posing no issues at all during the summer months when tans have developed. The procedure is suitable all-year round.
Is It Safe?
From the clinical studies undertaken, SHR has been proven to be the safest method of light based hair reduction for all skin types. Melanin found within darker skin is known to be much more sensitive to the heat when used in light based treatments. There are no such issues presented with this option.